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<Webdyn> 웹딘프로 활성화 시키는 방법 (Webdynpro for abap)

by 행복한워니의 기록 2015. 4. 27.

 우선 아래의 자료를 참조해서 전부다 실행시키시오..


아래의 글들 중 활성화 시킬부분을 참조하여 활성화 시켰다.. 아래는 그 내용..

Step 1: Verifying the configuration parameters for ICM.

Use Transaction SMICM (ICM Monitor).
Displays the ICM configuration and monitoring. Make sure it is running. Check the following ICM parameters.
[Menu-> Goto -> Parameters ->Display]
  1. icm/server_port_0 PROT=HTTP,PORT=8000
  2. icm/host_name_full <Full Qualified Domain Name>
I will use the domain name as testp1.bomain.cpstl 





Following parameters should be checked.






Step 2: Activate Required Services:

Following 3 services need to be enabled.
  1. /default_host/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
  2. /default_host/sap/public/bc/ur
  3. /default_host/sap/public/bc/its/mimes
Use Tcode ‘SICF’ to enable services. Then execute it to show the services trees.






Then activate the mentioned services according to the below guide.
  1. /default_host/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
  2. /default_host/sap/public/bc/ur
  3. /default_host/sap/public/bc/its/mimes
Right click on the relevant service and then activate it.







Step 3: Publishing Services:

Run T-Code SIAC_PUBLISH_ALL_INTERNAL  to activate the services. Will take few minutes. While running it will show the status message like:




Finally the following screen can be seen.







RZ10 -> PROFILE 에서 PORT 추가해주는것을 잊지 말도록
아래는 추가 셋팅한 사항




서버 이름은
WDC 서버등록
Tcode smicm -> Goto->Parameters->Display
Misc : icm/host_name_full
여기에 기입된 서버 이름을 위host 에 등록하면 됩니다.

파일에 아이피, host_name 추가

1. RZ10 들어가서 프로파일 수정

T-code : RZ10

icm/host_name_full                          xxxl.bsp.pm

icm/server_port_0                           PROT=HTTP,PORT=8000

2. localhost 및 se80세팅 확인

일단 t-code : SE80에서 Utilites -> Settings -> ITS에서 Integrated ITS에서 Log HTTP선택 및 Standard Path가 되었는지 확인

local PC에 host 파일에 내용을 붙여 넣어야 합니다. C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc Test eportal.test.com
기타 문제 및 활성화는
여길 보고 참조하고.. 아래는 위 페이지 전문.. (삭제 될까봐..)

Active Services in SICF 

Once you have installed the Application Server ABAP (AS ABAP) all Internet Communication Framework (ICF) services are available in an inactive state for security reasons. After the installation you have to decide which services must be activated for the applications you want to use.
Since multiple services can be executed when you call a URL, all service nodes must be activated in the SICF tree. The URL path is mapped in ICF subnodes (services). For example, if you want to activate the services for URL /sap/public/icman, you have to activate the service tree default_host in transaction SICF. Then you have to activate services sap, public and icman separately.
You activate an ICF service as follows:
  1.  Select the required ICF service in the ICF tree in transaction SICF.
  2.  Activate the ICF service in one of the following ways:
  a.  Using menu option Service/Host  →  Activate
  b.  Using the context menu and choosing Activate Service.


If the default_host node is inactive in transaction SICF, the HTTP requests could result in  ABAP runtime error RAISE_EXCEPTION with the following short text:
Exception condition "HOST_INACTIVE" triggered.
If a service is inactive in transaction SICF, an error text appears when you try to access the service.

Services for Web Dynpro ABAP

For Web Dynpro ABAP (WDA) the following services must be activated in the system.

Using WDA Applications



Here only the node itself must be activated, and not the subnodes.


This node is activated automatically when the subnodes described below are activated. Likewise, here only the node itself must be activated, as well as the following subnodes:
/default_host/sap/public/bc/webdynpro/* (ssr, mimes, etc.)
In addition to these standard WDA services the relevant application services must also be activated in the ICF tree. Usually, the service for application< application> can be found under the ICF node /default_host/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/<application>.

Using the WDA Development Environment

The five ICF nodes below are needed only for the WDA environment. They are only allowed to be active in a development system, and on no account in a production system, as this poses a security risk.

WDA Test Applications for Error Analysis


Other Services

Support of Internet Protocols (HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP) in AS-ABAP



Once AS-ABAP has been installed, you must ensure that this service is activated in transaction SICF. This enables the ICM to decide how HTTP requests are distributed to the servers.

Using Load Distribution

●  Using the message server
○  /default_host/sap/public/icf_info
○  /default_host/sap/public/icf_info/logon_groups
○  /default_host/sap/public/icf_info/urlprefix

   Using SAP Web DispaUsingtcher

○  /default_host/sap/public/icf_info
○  /default_host/sap/public/icf_info/icr_groups
○  /default_host/sap/public/icf_info/icr_urlprefix

ICF Test Applications

The following services are for internal SAP use only:
●  /default_host/sap/bc/echo
This service provides information about the logon procedure in use, header and form fields, and the SSO cookie generated for the processed request. For this reason this service must only be activated for error analysis.
●  /default_host/sap/bc/error
This service creates some error situations in the system and should only be activated for error analysis.
Related SAP Notes

SAP Note Number

Short Text


(Display) problems in View Designer when you load a view


No layout preview due to inactive ICF nodes


Missing ICF node for Web Dynpro application


A Web Dynpro ABAP application requires an SICF node


Missing ICF node for Web Dynpro application


Web Dynpro applications can be run without ICF nodes

