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Gangnam beauty - Korea Plastic surgery Application (Korea Beauty Clinic / Cosmeic surgery App)

by 행복한워니의 기록 2015. 3. 30.







Google Play store :  Gangnam beauty


Download :








Gangnam Beauty delivers various informations about well-known Korean beauty clinics to foreign clients directly.


Foreign clients are able to post beauty consultations and get replies via e-mail or instant messenger services.


Gangnam Beauty avoid paying a broker’s or agent’s fee, You will be able to save your budgets approximately 10~30%.



Stop paying extortion, get ready for an experience great quality of service with reasonable price.



Gangnam Beauty provides various event information and coupons.



#한국성형 #korea cosmetic surgery #korea beauty clinic #Gangnam plastic surgery
#korean beauty #korean beauty #korea plastic surgery #beauty Clinic #plastic surgery

